rebeccalando: My cookbook is out today! If you got a copy, let...

My cookbook is out today! If you got a copy, let me know what your favorite recipe is…and thank you :) If you need a copy:

Have you watched our cookbook trailer featuring FreddieW and...
Have you watched our cookbook trailer featuring FreddieW and DailyGrace yet? Why not?!
Kit's out of town on location but Sunday is pizza night at...

Beer-steamed clams | candied shallots | lemon butter | Italian parsley & crushed red pepper

Arugula, basil & spring garlic pesto | smoked mozz | asparagus, creminis, and spring garlic | truffle salt
Kit's out of town on location but Sunday is pizza night at Working Class Foodies headquarters, dammit.
(Click the pictures for the captions, and for more like this, follow me on instagram @artfuse)
Have you watched our cookbook trailer featuring FreddieW and...
Have you watched our cookbook trailer featuring FreddieW and DailyGrace yet? Why not?!
petervidani: sexpigeon: sexpigeon: Morris is missing. He ran...

Morris is missing. He ran out of the house he was staying in at 17th and Bryant and is now loose in the Mission. If you see him, please, please send anything to my tumblr inbox or email me at foodsco at gmail.
Morris update: some people we ran into saw him running around near 19th and Kansas last night, up in Potrero Hill, but none of them managed to get ahold of him. We searched from 17th to 20th and from Vermont to De Haro and couldn't find him.
Thank you so much to everyone who's already reblogged this, and for all the support in general. We've notified animal control and we'll be flyering/searching all day. If anyone has suggestions about other things we should be doing, let us know. And please keep your fingers crossed for little Morris.
Important Morris update ^
Signal boost! If you're in San Francisco, keep your eyes out for poor little Morris. That face deserves to find his way back home unharmed.
The Working Class Foodies Cookbook Trailer! featuring FreddieW...
The Working Class Foodies Cookbook Trailer!
featuring FreddieW and DailyGrace, who are the bestest.
Preorder the WCF book
Preorder the WCF book:Shameless self-promotion alert! New page up on our tumblr with links where you can preorder The Working Class Foodies Cookbook. Includes some of my favorite indie bookstores, but let me know what your favorite indie bookstore is so I can add it to the list!
Just gonna leave this here…
Hey guys! Lots of new local indie bookstores added to the list - we're talking Berkeley to Elliott Bay, Burlington to Boulder. We'd love if you bought our book and love it even more if you pre-ordered it from your local book store. If enough copies sell we can even do an extended book tour and maybe come visit you!
rebeccalando: Bet you can't guess which cookbook these photos...

Bet you can't guess which cookbook these photos are from…
Hint: IT'S MINE IT'S MINE OMG IT'S REAL and yes you can pre-order it if you feel so inclined.
Waiters Stuck at $2.13 Minimum Wage for 22 Years. That Ain't Cool.
Waiters Stuck at $2.13 Minimum Wage for 22 Years. That Ain't Cool.:Here's an important piece of journalism about the underpaid women and men who serve us good food at good restaurants, courtesy of Bloomberg News (my employer). Many of us know waiters are paid less than the federal minimum wage of $7.25 because gratuities are supposed to make up the difference.
Problem is, what happens when your tips don't make up the difference?
That's an excellent question. Federal law, according to the Bloomberg story, requires employers to cover the gap if tips don't take workers to the $7.25/hr minimum. But the waitress quoted by Bloomberg says her employer DID NOT cover that gap. So we're dealing with a very curious enforcement issue here. I'd be keen to know whether this happens often.
Another issue is that 13 states, including New Mexico, use the $2.13 federal minimum wage for tipped workers, which hasn't risen in 22 years, despite the fact that $2.13 has 40% of the purchasing power now than it did in 1991, according to The Bad Deal's math. There's now legislation in Congress that would raise the tipped minumum to 70% of the full minimum, which could rise to $10.10 by 2015.
Obviously, any mandate like this can put thin margin restaurant businesses in a bit of a pinch, we at The Bad Deal support a higher minumum wage for service industry workers, because it's the right thing to do.
Preorder the WCF book
Preorder the WCF book:Shameless self-promotion alert! New page up on our tumblr with links where you can preorder The Working Class Foodies Cookbook. Includes some of my favorite indie bookstores, but let me know what your favorite indie bookstore is so I can add it to the list!
Edit: And if your favorite bookstore doesn't have it in stock (like City Lights in San Francisco - why you wanna hurt me, City Lights?), let them know you'd like to buy it from them!
Preorder the WCF book
Preorder the WCF book:Shameless self-promotion alert! New page up on our tumblr with links where you can preorder The Working Class Foodies Cookbook. Includes some of my favorite indie bookstores, but let me know what your favorite indie bookstore is so I can add it to the list!
Edit: And if your favorite bookstore doesn't have it in stock (like City Lights in San Francisco - why you wanna hurt me, City Lights?), let them know you'd like to buy it from them!
latimes: The story behind Sriracha With a distinctive bottle...

The story behind Sriracha
With a distinctive bottle taste, Sriracha has gone from an unpronounceable challenge to a staple sauce for many Americans. In the U.S. alone, $60 million worth of the sauce was sold last year alone.
But it wasn't always such a prevalent item on store shelves. David Tran, the man responsible for popularizing the hot sauce, had a long journey beforehand:
When North Vietnam's communists took power in South Vietnam, Tran, a major in the South Vietnamese army, fled with his family to the U.S. After settling in Los Angeles, Tran couldn't find a job — or a hot sauce to his liking.
So he made his own by hand in a bucket, bottled it and drove it to customers in a van. He named his company Huy Fong Foods after the Taiwanese freighter that carried him out of Vietnam.
Read more via our profile of Tran, and his beloved hot sauce.
Photos: Gina Ferazzi, Kirk McKoy / Los Angeles Times
Doin' it right: Huy Fong Foods.
helveticafutura: Hummus kawarma (lamb) with lemon sauce....

Hummus kawarma (lamb) with lemon sauce. From Jerusalem: A Cookbook.
This is all the justification I need to buy this book.
a grindr but for bars that do bloodys all day.
a grindr but to avoid people near you who are overusing hashtags.
a grindr but for how far away your favorite dealer is right now.
a grindr but to avoid restaurants with dissatisfied servers who will spit in your food.
a grindr but for soup dumplings or even just all-day dim sum, god i'm so fucking hungry.
a grindr but for straight guys who wanna get laid.
a grindr but to avoid grocery stores Children International is collecting money outside of right now.
a grindr but for cheap gas from a company that didn't just have a major environmental disaster.
a grindr but for west coast people whose friends on the east coast are live-tweeting major episodes of popular TV right now.
a grindr but for other sexy straight singles who also love game of thrones but hate lord of the rings.
a grindr but for people who hide behind a blasé mask of ironic detachment and joke about how old they are to hide their crippling fear of their own human frailty.
a grindr but to avoid people who actually use facebook graph search.
a grindr but for all your friends who are drunk enough to share their open tab right now.
a grindr but for people who also worry they'll never be as cool as sally draper.
a grindr but to avoid your friends who only want to talk about their pregnancies/kids right now.
Roger Ebert Was a Lovely Food Writer, Which Is Remarkable Because He Couldn't Eat.
Roger Ebert Was a Lovely Food Writer, Which Is Remarkable Because He Couldn't Eat.:We'll miss his witty tweets about food and film. Click through for a fine interview by Kim Severson of The New York Times, who profiled Mr. Ebert's love for all things gustatory back in 2010.
rebeccalando: mememolly: mikerugnetta: bobbymiller: soulpanca...
Kid President meets the President of the United States of America.
Not going to lie, this one kinda stirred up some emotions for me. So proud of The Robster & Brad.
So basically this is the greatest thing in the world. Ever.
I love the internet.

Hey pals, I generally try to keep this tumblr specific to food...

Hey pals,
I generally try to keep this tumblr specific to food (because that's what you're here for) but I hope you'll indulge me for a sec while I brag about the Nerdist Community of Curated Partnerships, my super-amazing initiative as the Network Director over at Nerdist. I'm really excited about all the amazing YouTube creators I'm going to get to work with through the Partnerships in the coming weeks, months, and years.
(That's it, that's the full brag. You made it!)
Oh, and that super cute Dr. Who-ish image above? That's from part 1 of a 2-part episode by one of our partners, the amazing HelloDoctorPuppet channel, which came from this equally-cute Doctor Puppet tumblr.
Click the image (or here) for Part 1, and be sure to click through to Part 2. Then subscribe to HDP for more amazing Doctor Puppet episodes :)
wilwheaton: laughterkey: lizdexia: ex-genius: THIS SATANIC...

seriously look at this awful thing
No no no no no no no.
I'm sorry, if you're too stupid to make eggs in a pan, you don't get to have a horrible egg-dog on a wooden stick like it's some kind of carnival food. This product is a crime against gastronomy, and I want to find and destroy each and every example of it.
There is literally nothing appetizing about this either. WHO JUST EATS A HUNK OF HOT COOKED EGG LIKE THAT. WHAT THE FUCK, AMERICA.
Drew, I feel like you'd appreciate this. If you need me, I'll be over here fighting my gag reflex.
I'm a Technology editor on Tumblr, and it istaking all of my self-control to not promote this in Tech, for the lulz.
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