vollha: (dying whale noises) I will forever hate Stark for...

(dying whale noises)
I will forever hate Stark for getting this on camera.
mischiefforhire: textsfromthe-avengers: Submitted by...

Submitted by rainbowtrolls
And I was doing SO well.
I am impressed. Mine usually never leaves zero.
On a related note…that sort of behaviour does not, in...

On a related note…that sort of behaviour does not, in fact, make your ancestors proud.
Boy, you must be a Frost Giant, because time freezes when you walk in the room!
That is illogical—a Jotun cannot freeze time. And I would appreciate it if you did not associate me with those creatures.
I do what I want!
It is rather better than answering to others, yes. But what you want had best not interfere with what I want.
I would like a word with whoever thought it amusing to sabotage my messages. Stark? I recognise I...
I would like a word with whoever thought it amusing to sabotage my messages. Stark?
I recognise I am behind in seeing to them, but I dislike seeing those from the past day disappear, and reappear, and disappear again sporadically.
My apologies, but if you have sent me an urgent enquiry within the past 24 hours, I cannot guarantee I have seen it. I have alerted S.H.I.E.L.D.’s IT Department, and if any of you would care to save me the trouble of hunting down Stark myself, you are welcome to it.
I know it was you, Stark; do not try to tell me otherwise.
Compared to Midgardian tits, how big are your wife's? It's just an innocent question, sire.
I am not naïve enough to believe that, I fear.
And I could not tell you, in any case. I was under the impression that Migardian women varied in size, and I am not so obsessed with a particular part of their anatomy as to bother to determine averages.
I believe that owe you an apology for the previous question, my intention was not to insult, coolness of a figurative way, I'm sorry, would you mind starts again?
You may.
It is wise to keep in mind that an insult being unintentional does not always lessen its impact, however.
Side by Side by =mrhiddles Funny, I do not remember him...

Funny, I do not remember him standing by my side when it was decided my lips should be sewn shut.
Magic is stupid. I see no reason why I would need it in my every day life. And I can think, mum. Like right now, I'm thinking you're a cranky bitch who can't take a joke and needs a nap.
And I am thinking that you are long overdue to be returned to Asgard's stables.
You're the one who called your son a brat, dude. And you said he could not think. I think that anon was only trying to voice what you already said about your son.
I said he was a brat, not that he was unfit to live. And it is hardly the place of a coward who hides behind a grey face to determine what is a 'waste of oxygen,' as he so eloquently put it.
pantheraj: mischiefforhire: therossu: Could you please...

Could you please make Loki gifs with this quote? "I'm the bad guy. I don't save the day, I don't fly off into the sunset and I don't get the girl". It's from Megamind and I think it fits Loki asked by an anon -
"I don't get the girl" *BUZZ*WRONG!
I can save the day if I want. If it deserves saving. And if the rest of you have already managed to screw it up completely.
::Presented without comment::
I could definitely manage to save days if I liked, but it really does seem pointless most of the time. And the last statement is definitely false, now.
If I did not know better, I would say that I sent this to...

If I did not know better, I would say that I sent this to someone.
queensoybean: In truth, I am neither Asgardian nor son of...

In truth, I am neither Asgardian nor son of Jotunheim.
I am Loki only.
And i am
My heart is broken.
meisterc: steamy

…If this is true, this explains much about my treatment...

…If this is true, this explains much about my treatment during my first run-in with S.H.I.E.L.D.
Hey, are you a scandinavian!? 😃
Of course not. I am not even Midgardian.
((Mun is not Scandinavian, though given some tangled ancestry probably has some Norwegian and Danish in there somewhere.))
Have you checked out the blog Loki's-Dirty-Whispers? If so, what do you think of it?
…I have now.
I am rather appalled that some Midgardians believe that is the sort of thing I am likely to say.
I've created that new protocol. Just in case.
Excellent. Perhaps I should inform others that there are measures in place, in case of accidents…though you can handle it from there.
I not only killed Mufassa, but I just killed a little girl. Do you think her parents will miss her?
And what reason do you have, to kill for no purpose? That is hardly a way to impress me, either.
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